Building Usage (Non-church events or Community) REQUEST FORM

Request Form
Please select all that apply.

Room usage $35/hr*
Chapel usage $35/hr*
Kitchen usage $50/daily*
Worship Center/Gym usage $50/hr*
Fellowship Hall or Great Room $100/fee*
Wedding, call the office 817-573-7137

*Payment due week of usage
Other details the office needs to know


Clean-up procedures:
As a common courtesy, please pick up after yourself and make it look better than you found it. 

Kitchen/Fellowship used: 
Wipe all tables used
Wash/Dry/Put away any dishes used
Bag/Tie up the trash afterward
Return anything you borrowed

Room used:
Arrange the class as you found it
Pick up any trash
Return anything you borrowed

I'm responsible:
If anything is broken, I will pay to have it replaced. 

If I don't clean up after my event, I might not get to use your facility again.

If I don't return it by the next working day, I might not get to borrow again. 

NOTE: Church events take priority. You will receive a call if there is a conflict or prior booking. 

On a very rare occasion, a funeral of a church member will take priority, as we are sure you will understand.  We will do everything in advance to work with you so we don't have to cancel or postpone your event. 

Please select all that apply.


Request Form